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BOB Survey Software

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  1. Specify Survey Parameters

    Specify area and Guide Lines by defining the location of your Grid, number of Survey Lines, line spacing, cross/tie lines (if needed), angle/bearing of the lines, if not North-South. The result: a Grid of green Guide Lines NavAssist uses to guide the boat operator during the survey.

  2. Plot, Record and View Data

    Sensor readings plot as you survey. Scale X and Y axes to find the patterns. Shift individual traces up and down for comparison. Move the cursor in the Plot to see readings highlighted in the Log Table below. Terminal Tab: See and send raw communication directly to the mag (if you know the codes). Layers Panel: Select which sensor’s data to display. Review Pane: Drag the Review/Real-Time Splitter Bar to inspect data collected earlier while monitoring real-time data.

  3. Zoom and Scroll Through the Survey Timeline

    Navigate easily; the Survey Timeline lets you know what part of the survey you’re viewing at-a-glance.

  4. Geo Plot

    The Geographic Plot shows paths of the GNSS/vessel and the towfish on a coordinate grid, as Latitude/Longitude format or in UTM projection with WGS84 datum. See the precise location of your readings, Markers and Survey Lines. Click on the mag’s path to see the data at that location. See and edit Markers & Survey Lines directly on the map. Set background chart or map by importing geo-referenced images in GeoTiff format. 10Hz GNSS support provides unprecedented accuracy. BOB automatically interpolates between GNSS and mag sampling rates and tags readings with geographic coordinates. See NMEA GNSS information on-screen in real-time. This data is stored independently from the magnetometer data stream. BOB’s NavAssist feature presents useful survey parameters to the vessel navigator during the survey in a panel on the Geo Plot window, including: Distance from the current Guide Line Vessel bearing and speed Magnetometer depth and altitude in the water column

  5. Create and Edit Survey Lines

    Mark your Survey Lines on the Geo Plot on-the-fly by dragging your mouse. Fine-tune the location of the Flags any time. Select a line to see the Plot one line at a time. Plan your survey by placing single Guide Lines or a Grid that includes ties spaced at regular intervals.

  6. Create and Edit Markers

    Place Markers on Profile Plot or Geo Plot in real-time as a way of keeping notes or marking promising anomalies. Color-code and group marked features. Place and move Markers any time. Place Markers automatically if your GNSS emits NMEA GPEVT sentences. Click on a Marker in the Geo Plot to jump to its information in the Profile Plot.

  7. Base Station Correction

    Import data from the Sentinel Base Station or IAGA compatible data from magnetic observatories (e.g., BOB automatically calculates the corrected data set. Review the Log Table or the Profile Plot. BOB automatically calculates the corrected data, which you can review in Profile Plot or Log Table. Delete regions or individual readings safely. BOB preserves your original survey data. You can always start over without the fear of data loss or corruption.

  8. Flexible .csv Exports

    Export your entire data set or just the lines you select to text files for other GIS systems. Save your favourite settings or use the SeeTrack predefined settings.

  9. Plan, collect, and clean your survey data with BOB. Pinpoint with BAM.

    The new BAM add-on puts the ability to make Analytic Signal Maps quickly and intuitively in the hands of experts and amateurs alike. Targets: Activating BAM lets you mark targets on the map or the Profile Plot, label them, and see statistics to refine your analysis. Export maps as GeoTIFF. Grids can be exported numerically as Grid Exchange Format (GXF). Dive confidently armed with a list of location targets and sizes.