Scalable up to 30 nodes, the network array is practically self-configuring
Reliable. One man deployable- 27lbs. Accurate high sensitivity data.
4.5 kgs, Soaking Wet. Explorer is the world’s smallest and lightest high sensitivity magnetometer.
Explorer v.AUV
We’ve reengineered our total-field magnetometer for neutral buoyancy so it can follow the path your AUV takes without sinking or floating upwards. Explorer v.AUV offers precision control over positioning close to the sea floor and the ability to follow the bottom topography accurately.
Synapse Horizontal Transverse Gradiometer
Smarter, Smaller, Faster — Better.
Synapse Array
Scalable up to 30 nodes, the network array is practically self-configuring
Need to find small, near surface targets in shallow water? Bring in a specialist.
Your mag survey found your anomalies. You’re close. In the old days, you’d rely on luck to find your target buried somewhere below a flat, indistinguishable patch of sea floor. Or not.
SeaSPY2 Horizontal Transverse Gradiometer v.2
Our sensors are highly accurate and repeatable, making for ideal gradiometers.
SeaSPY2 Longitudinal Gradiometer
Our sensors are highly accurate and repeatable, making for ideal gradiometers.
Even data collected in ideal weather conditions can be more accurate when you compensate for background variation with a base station.
Sea Sentinel
Even data collected in ideal weather conditions can be more accurate when you compensate for background variation with a base station.
Isolation Transceiver
GPS Enabled 'Topside' interface for your Synapse, SeaSPY, or SeaQuest.
Side Scan Integration
Integrations for SeaSPY2, SeaQuest2, Explorer and Synapse.
AUV Towed Integration
Using high sensitivity technology for unmatched accuracy, low noise and power, our products are ideal to integrate with AUVs.
ROV Integration
Info coming soon! In the meantime, contact us to learn about the ROV integration: +1 (619) 655-0179, gina.lopez@marinemagnetics.com
Glider Integrations
Info coming soon! In the meantime, contact us to learn our Glider integrations: +1 (619) 655-0179, gina.lopez@marinemagnetics.com